La última canción de Living Things, me gusta mucho esta canción, casi siempre en todos sus discos LP ha cerrado con una canción de este estilo, por decirlo así mas tristona, "Pushing Me Away", "Numb", "The Little Things Give You Away" y "The Messenger" son las otras. En esta el mensaje es que mientras uno ha dado todo por alguien la otra persona no da nada de sí, y uno se queda sintiendo sin poder:
Esta no la he encontrado en vivo, pero quién sabe, tal vez sí la canten.
Además sacaron este video para promocionar la película de "Abraham Lincoln: Cazador de vampiros" que no tuve muchas ganas de ver:
You hid your skeletons when I had shown you mine
You woke the devil that I thought you'd left behind
I saw the evidence, the crimson soaking through
Ten thousand promises, ten thousand ways to lose
And you held it all
But you were careless to let it fall
You held it all
And I was by your side
I watched you fall apart and chased you to the end
I left with emptyness that words cannot defend
You'll never know what I became because of you
Ten thousand promises, ten thousand ways to lose
And you held it all
But you were careless to let it fall
You held it all
And I was by your side
And you held it all
But you were careless to let it fall
You held it all
And I was by your side